High Performance Thermal Insulation

High performance thermal insulation versus fibreglass/mineral wool

Fibreglass and mineral wool insulation has been around in the U.K. since the late 1940s. Traditionally, it’s placed between the rafters in your home. Over the years with the introduction of top up grants, the depth required currently is 300 mm. That means the material would have to go between and across the joists.

The materials are dusty, itchy and mean you cannot use the loft for storage because the floor of the loft is a sea of insulation. You could increase the depth of the joists to accommodate this better, but that would be costly and reduce the headroom in the loft.

Another disadvantage with the traditional method is with increasing depth of insulation required, the loft becomes a "cold roof". This means the pipes and tanks are liable to freezing, the extreme temperature contrast in winter between inside and outside can lead to condensation on the timbers and felt. This has been a traditional method of insulation and the standard option available to the public.

Now there is a far more effective and efficient form of insulation for your home...

Sprayfoam not only creates a "warm roof", it creates a usable loft space during the extremes of winter and summer temperatures. 

Unlike the old fashioned methods, the high performance low density polyurethane insulation is applied directly under the roof onto a breathable membrane, NOT onto the tiles or slates like closed cell was in days gone by.

Just like Cellatex or Kingspan is fixed between rafters prior to boarding, low density is spray applied in the same fashion. However unlike traditional block insulation, low density does not fall down or need re-fixing over time. 

The benefits don’t stop there either, low density open cell insulation comes with a manufacturers guarantee for 25 years on your property and not you as an individual. It’s Fire Rated and BBA registered. Due to the method of installation you will of course prevent freezing tanks and pipes plus negating the possibility of condensation and damp.

The advantages of Sprayfoam technology are manifest...

Technology has come an incredibly long way in the last 20 years. This form of durable, long lasting heat saving product has been tried and tested in the States and Canada for over 40 years. Fortunately, we now have this form of insulation available in the UK.

Whether you want to use this form of technology for your home, garage, extension or cellar you can be sure it will give you high u-vales, heat saving and long lasting durability.

Sprayfoam Contractor: High Performance Thermal Insulation

How we’ve already helped the people and the homes of the United Kingdom...


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